User Management

Invite Users


Please check if an email address is set for your account before inviting users. When there is no email set for your account, you can NOT invite users.

Click on the menu, the “…” on the top right corner of the page. Then click on your profile and modify that’s next to email address


Enter your email address and click ok

You will be sent a confirmation email shortly after this action. Please check your email inbox to confirm your address


Option 1. Invite via email

Click on the menu, the “…” on the top right corner of the page. Then click on Invite Users

Specify the account type and enter the email address

Option 2. Invite via link

Scroll down and specify the account type. Click on Generate Link and copy the link to share. This is a useful method when you are inviting a large number of users at once

ATTENTION: Both of these invite methods have 24 hour window for the recipient to take action before it expires due to security purposes

Step 2. Accept user

Go to menu > service management > user management and accept invited users

Modify Type of Account

Step 1. Go to user management

Go to menu>service management>user management and select the user to modify by clicking on “…”

Step 2. Modify type of account

You can either modify the account to be an Analyst or a Viewer. You can also set users to be the Administrator and to have video uploading capabilities or not

Edit Account Info

Step 1. Go to user management

Go to menu>service management>user management and select the user to edit by clicking on “…”

Step 2. Edit info

Edit the user name for display, and set a user image from this window.

You can also link the user to a specific player on your player master. This step is only possible after setting the team master of your account. See manage my team section below for more

Manage my Team

Step 1. Go to manage my team

Go to menu > service management > manage my team 

Step 2. Select team master

Click on the drop down menu and select the team