Sketching Tools Body Orientation Step 1. Click at the feet of a player Step 2. Click in the direction they are facing Styling You can change the color and size of this element Mark Step 1. Click at the feet of a player Styling You can change the color, size, and marker style for this element Position Line Step 1. Click by the player’s foot on the edge Step 2. Continue clicking at players in a line Styling You can change the color, marker size, marker style, and line style for this element Line, Arrow & Movement Step 1. Click at the starting point Step 2. Click at the ending point ATTENTION: Click and drag does NOT work with the line, arrow, and movement tools Styling You can change the color and line style for line and arrowYou can change the color, marker size, marker style, and line style for movement Area & Zone Step 1. Click at one of the corners Step 2. Continue to click at each corner to create the shape Styling You can change the color, marker size, marker style, and line style for the areaYou can change the color and line style for the zoneTIP: Click on the bucket icon when choosing a color to turn on/off the shading inside the shape Space Step 1. Click and drag to draw the rough ellipse The software will automatically correct the roughly drawn shape into a nice ellipseTIP: the end results will be better if the roughly drawn shape is closer to a circle than you may originally think Styling You can change the color and line style for this element Freehand Step 1. Click and drag to draw Styling You can change the color and line style for this elementStyling line is only limited to the solid line and changing the thickness Text Step 1. Click on enter text Step 2. Type your text Step 3. Click and drag the text on the video to position Step 4. Change color and font size as needed Styling You can change the color and font size of the text Voice-Over Step 1. Click and hold the button Step 2. Speak into your device to recrd voice message Step 3. Release the button Styling There is no styling for this tool