Click on circle dots with colors to only display scenes made with that category tag
The selected category will have a yellow bar underneath the dot
Category View
Click on the button with vertical bars that is next to TIME
With this view, you can see how many scenes are made under each category in a expanded view
Filtering / Data
Go over to the TAG tab from the left
In this tab, you can filter your scenes in depth to show specific moments of the match
On the left side of the screen, you’ll see the list of event tags and their quantity
When you select one of the event tags, it will expand to show you the option tag break down
In this example, there were 28 scenes with an event tag “cross”, 2 of them with an “off-target” option tag, and 18 of them with an “saved/cleared” option tag
Instead of filtering by event tags and option tags, you can filter by player tags
Under each player’s name, their involved scenes will be broken down by event type
It is also possible to filter by scenes made by each analyst/user
Under each analyst username, scenes made by this user are broken down by event types
Filtering Tools
Sequence View
At default, most of the screen will be shown with the sequence view
Each dot represents tagged scenes. Rows represent event or option tags. Time increases horizontally to the right
This view is used to find the flow of the game. It serves as the visual representation of what type of event happened in each time segment of the game
To play each scene, click on the dot of the sequence view at the bottom, NOT at the main section
Play Video View
You can switch to video view instead of the sequence view from the top right of where the sequence or video is shown
Data Filter
To filter scenes more in-depth, select data from the bottom left of the screen
Filter results will be displayed in the bottom left corner. Each row is a scene that is clickable to play
Data Filter Types
To filter down by field location, highlight a segment of the field by clicking. Each yellow dot represents a scene
To filter by time, select a time range that is segmented into 15-minute intervals
To filter by a player, highlight the player by clicking
To filter by option, highlight the option by clicking
The input tab on the bottom left allows you to edit the scene from the same page
You can modify tags and sketches the same way as editing a regular scene