Scene Search

Filter Types

Scene Search Bar

To use the function scene search, click on the search bar at the top center of the page

Time Filter

You can search your entire account by filtering when the video clips were made from the top left

Creator and Channel FIlters

You can search the account by filtering creators of the video clip and specific channels

Player Filter

You can search the account by filtering for specific players

Event-Option Filter

You can search the account by filtering for specific event tags and option tags

Create a Playlist from Search Result

Step 1. Open Scene Search

Click on the search bar at the top of the page

Step 2. Apply the Filters

Configure the filters for your search

Step 3. Refine Results

Click on “+” to select which video clips to include in the playlist


TIP: Select all then clicking unwanted video clips using Refine Search button is useful in this step


Follow the usual steps to create a playlist